Image from sound art "Ghost Map" by Abinadi Meza

Italy, 2021. Mondi lontanissimi (Far Away Worlds) concert:  Gianluca Stazi / Giuseppe Casu, Abinadi Meza, Babu Eshwar Prasad & Pablo Sanz.

Ghost Map, 2021

Experimental sound composition, 8:38

Presented in the 10th Helicotrema Festival (Venice & Prato, Italy and Hangar, Barcelona) in late fall 2021, and Radiophrenia, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow & 87.9FM broadcast, in winter 2022.

"How can sound accommodate and preserve the imprint of a body’s gesture in a space?" (curatorial notes, Blauer Hase & Giulia Morucchio, Helicotrema Festival).