Abinadi Meza, still from Parangolé, 2023
Abinadi Meza, still from Parangolé, 2023
Abinadi Meza, still from Parangolé, 2023
Parangolé, 2023
color, sound, 3:00
16mm film transfer to HD, single channel screening or multi-channel installation
A rainy morning in Rio de Janeiro; film as a membrane, a memory veil, imprinted by the body and the environment. The title is a reference to the performative cloaks/capes of the late Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica, made of various materials including fabric, paper, and plastic. This handmade film is made with reclaimed pigments and physical processes including spraying, scratching, staining, and marking.
Selected Screenings/Awards:
World premiere: 9th nodoCCS Festival, Galería elRAiSE, Caracas, Venezuela, 2023
Brooklyn Film Festival
Cauldron International Film & Video Festival, Salt Lake City
Berlin Kiez Film Festival, Germany *honorable mention
Edmonton Underground Film Festival, Canada
Revolutions per Minute Festival, Boston
Rare Effect Festival, Lisbon, Portugal
Light Matter, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"...what is valuable in films like Parangolé is a modernity that has been transfigured...it is rescuing the experiments of the past, not for reasons of nostalgia but for the aspiration to keep alive the new..."
-Pablo Gamba, Los Experimentos
"...what makes Parangolé unique is Meza’s use of rhythm, with marks moving around inside the image and the larger composition pulls in and out of the celluloid space."
-Michael Sicinski, In Review Online